Thursday, August 21, 2014

Puppies ... 12 Days Old!

Hey there!

The puppies are now 12 days old, and their eyes are just starting to crack open! I considered waiting a few days to post pictures of them, so that their eyes would be open, but I decided to go ahead and do this post, and whenever their eyes fully open, I'll do another post!

They are starting to get around a little, and are SOO cute!

Here are the boys ...
They love to snuggle!
And the girls ...
More snuggles!
They are just starting to wake up, and stretch in this picture.
As you can see ... the middle girl is quite a bit smaller, and for a while, I monitored her closely, making sure she was okay, but she is a healthy, happy, little pup and loves to eat!
 Well that's it for now ... I hope you have a wonderful day!

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